
2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
Hunland logó fehér

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2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
+36 29 548 500

BTSF Training at Hunland

BTSF tréning a Hunlandnál

BTSF Training at Hunland

The 11th BTSF “Training Course on Animal Welfare During Transport” was held in Hungary from May 13 to 17, 2024, during the event the participants visited our central facility in Bugyi.

The BTSF (Better Training for Safer Food) Academy provides a platform for extensive and thorough training on animal welfare and other food safety issues, thereby promoting high standards in the European food industry and ensuring consumer safety.

The central theme of the BTSF “Training Course on Animal Welfare During Transport” was ensuring animal welfare during transportation, covering topics such as travel planning, retrospective checks, and audits of transport companies. Participants, including instructors, veterinarians, representatives of animal welfare organizations, and transporters, came from 13 countries.

The field practice at Hunland’s Alsóráda puszta site was led by Péter Hencz, Managing Director of Hunland Trans Kft. and a BTSF training instructor. The event included a trailer inspection exercise, a site visit tour (accompanied by József Kardos, Commercial Director), and a visit to the calf rearing facility (with the assistance of Bálint Balajthy, the company veterinarian, and Péter Hajdu, the site manager). These activities contributed significantly to the participants’ professional development and experience.

The event provided an opportunity for knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences among a wide range of participants, facilitating the more effective implementation and application of animal welfare regulations in practice.

This 11th session was the final stop of the first phase of the training series. Since the project began in May 2022, 320 participants from 36 countries (including representatives from non-EU countries) have received training.