
2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
Hunland logó fehér

We will connect you! We provide a modern marketplace, as we are the link between animal breeders and traders!


2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
+36 29 548 500

About usThe global marketplace for livestock trading

Hunland’s continuous development and its presence in livestock trade since its foundation in 1992 has turned it into a global industry leader. By now it has become a multinational company that plays a key role in the coordinated service chain of animal farming, agricultural production, livestock trade, transport and consultancy.

Hunland Élőállat kereskedelem
Hunland EST 1992
Our mission
Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Fenntarthatóság

We strive for sustainability

We know that our activities affect the environment thus we feel obligated to reduce our economical footprint as much as possible, for example by developing feed additives that reduce the methane emission of cattle by 15-20%.

We do all within our power to keep our animals under the most human conditions possible. We guarantee their appropriate nutrition and perfect health in several ways, for example by keeping them in modern, well-ventilated, rubber-covered calf stables, by offering them the best milk replacement products and the feed produced at our own feed production plant, and by using our professional and humane transport method that ensures ‘business class’ travel conditions for our animals.

Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Humánus állattartás

We treat animals with respect

Hunland - Emberi kapcsolatokat építünk

We build interpersonal connections

We focus on individual needs beside offering full transparency from selection to unloading, and our partners mean more to us than numbers of profit. This could not be achieved without our employees, whom we consider our Hunland family.

We play an important role in domestic agriculture as we export 40% of Hungary’s lamb stock and 20% of its cattle stock to Europe and to third countries, plus we have 700 employees and a large circle of partners. We feel responsible for their wellbeing and their development.

Hunland - Fejlődés

We aim at improving the sector and ourselves

ResultsNumbers we are proud of

All our results are the success of the coordinated operation of a complex system. It is important that all participants, areas and animals receive the appropriate attention so that our operations can be sustainable and successful in the long term.

Táp előállítás ikon - Hunland
Feed produced per year
60000 t
Hunland - Élőállat és takarmány szállítmányozás
4000 ha
Tejtermelés icon - Hunland
Produced milk in 2022
50000 t

Our teamSenior management

Janssen Jos - Hunland tulajdonos
Jos Janssen


Janssen Suzanne - Hunland Tulajdonos
Suzanne Janssen


Hipszki Tibor - Hunland Operatív, pénzügyi és stratégiai igazgató
Tibor Hipszki

Chief Operating Officer, Director of Finance and Strategy

Mata Erika - Hunland Kereskedelmi igazgató
Erika Mata

Commercial Director

Guti Zoltán - Hunland Termelési igazgató
Zoltán Guti

Production Director

Deli Zoltán - Hunland Logisztikai igazgató
Zoltán Deli

Logistics Director

Péter Hencz

Logistics Director

Szabó Ákos - Hunland Számviteli és beszerzési igazgató
Ákos Szabó

Accounting and Purchasing Director

Stefán Ottilia - Hunland HR és belső kommunikációs igazgató
Ottilia Stefán

HR and Internal Communications Director

Buy or sell?

Check out our latest offers for livestock, meat and feed products. You’ll also find the list of what Hunland wants.

Get in touch

Our colleagues are ready to help you with professional, commercial and shipping questions.