
2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
Hunland logó fehér

We will connect you! We provide a modern marketplace, as we are the link between animal breeders and traders!


2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
+36 29 548 500

Milk replacers

Using its decades of experience in livestock farming and the latest scientific data, the Hunland Group offers a market-leader feeding programme that includes the use of excellent milk replacers manufactured in the Netherlands, marketed by Hunland and used in calf and piglet farming.

Milk replacers for calves

A pivotal point of cattle breeding is calf rearing. The period between colostrum feeding and weaning has a significant impact on productivity. Hunland’s milk replacers provide the basis for proper calf nutrition, for subsequent growth rates and for the health of developing animals.

All of our milk replacers focus on providing the optimal solution, tailored to the genetic potential of the calves and the individual needs of the farm.

Tejpótló borjútápszer - Hunland
Tejpótló borjútápszer - Hunland

Sow milk replacers

In pig breeding changing genetics are causing larger litters and smaller piglets. Our sow milk replacers not only provide sufficient food for piglets, but they also enable faster growth and support weaning.

Our milk replacers are specifically designed to reduce piglet mortality, to improve their digestive system, to increase their dry matter intake, to make weaning easier and to support sows.

Malac és sertés kereskedelem - hunland
kocatejpótló tápszerek

Get in touch with us

Our mission
Hunland EST 1992
Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Fenntarthatóság

We strive for sustainability

Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Humánus állattartás

We treat animals with respect

Hunland - Emberi kapcsolatokat építünk

We build interpersonal connections

Hunland - Fejlődés

We aim at improving the sector and ourselves