
2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
Hunland logó fehér

We will connect you! We provide a modern marketplace, as we are the link between animal breeders and traders!


2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
+36 29 548 500


Company name: Hunland Group Holding Kft.
Address: 2347 Bugyi, Alsóráda puszta 13.
Company registration number: 13-09-215005
Tax number: 27416415-2-13 https://www.e-cegjegyzek.hu/?cegadatlap/1309215005
Phone: +36 29 548 500
Internet: www.hunland.com
Authority registering the company: Budapest Court of Registration of the Regional Court
Hosting provider: EVOLUTIONET Kft. – Address: 7342 Mágocs, Széchenyi utca 75.
Tax number: 14992511-2-02
Information about data protection: Email:
Privacy policy: https://www.hunland.com/hu/adatvedelmi-iranyelvek/
Images and graphics Images: www.canva.com
Icons were created by Freepik from the www.flaticon.com site.
Our mission
Hunland EST 1992
Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Fenntarthatóság

We strive for sustainability

Hunland - Élőállat kereskedelem - Humánus állattartás

We treat animals with respect

Hunland - Emberi kapcsolatokat építünk

We build interpersonal connections

Hunland - Fejlődés

We aim at improving the sector and ourselves